Get Firefox, a free web browser backed by Mozilla, a non-profit dedicated to internet health and privacy. Available now on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS. Download Mozilla Firefox, a free Web browser. Firefox is created by a global non-profit dedicated to putting individuals in control online. Get Firefox for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS today! Firefox Mac OS X 10.9, 10.10 and 10.11 users move to Extended Support Release Installing Firefox on Mac Visit the Firefox download page in any browser (for example, Safari).
Note: Microsoft is no longer developing ordistributing Internet Explorer for theMacintosh. UITS strongly recommends that you use adifferent browser, such as Safari or Firefox.

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In Internet Explorer 5 for Mac OS or MacOS X, you can use the Collapse Toolbars function,Cmd-b
, to hide or view the Address Bar, Button Bar,Favorites Bar, and Status Bar. In Internet Explorer 4 and later, youcan press Cmd-t
to hide or view the Explorer Bar.
Note: In Internet Explorer 5, when you collapse thetoolbars, the Forward, Back, Stop, andRefresh buttons and the status indicator move to the ExplorerBar unless the Explorer Bar is hidden.
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You may also determine individually which toolbars you want to displayor hide. The default items that are checked when Internet Explorer isinstalled are:
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- Button Bar: This toolbar has the basic buttonsused to navigate on the Internet. In Internet Explorer 5,to customize this toolbar, from the View menu, selectCustomize Toolbars....
- Address Bar: This toolbar displays the address ofthe web page you are viewing, for example:
- Favorites Bar: You can use this toolbar forshortcuts to pages you frequently visit.
- Status Bar: This toolbar, which appears at thebottom of the window, displays which security zone you are in and thestatus of the web page while loading.
- Explorer Bar: This toolbar, which appears on theleft side of the window, is used for Favorites, History, Search,Scrapbook, and Page Holder functions.
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You can turn each of these toolbars on or off from the Viewmenu. If there is a check next to the toolbar option, then it isdisplayed.