Day One updates on the App Store are regularly released in phases over a period of 7 days. If you do not see an update immediately available, please note it may not be available to all users at the date of the update, but will be over the following days. Users can refresh the Updates page on the App Store by typing Command+R.
5.4 (October 7, 2020)
Day-O is a simple menu bar clock replacement with a simple calendar for your Mac. It's free, as-is (which means I'm not providing support, taking feature.
Day One 2 for Mac review: Superb journal app trades simplicity for sophistication The new version loses some of its predecessor’s gorgeous simplicity, but compensates with powerful and useful. Day One updates on the App Store are regularly released in phases over a period of 7 days. If you do not see an update immediately available, please note it may not be available to all users at the date of the update, but will be over the following days. Click here to open the Mac App Store 5.3 (September 17, 2020). Get Animate as part of Adobe Creative Cloud for just US$20.99/mo. Get Animate as part of Adobe Creative Cloud for just US$20.99/mo. Design interactive animations for games, TV shows, and the web. Bring cartoons and banner ads to life. Create animated doodles.
Just a minor update for the Mac to keep version numbers consistent across platforms.
- On This Day now includes a map showing the locations of your entries for that day.
- These bugs aren’t going to squash themselves, so we performed our usual round of extermination. We also cleaned up the UI a bit.
5.3 (September 17, 2020)
- The journal sidebar and toolbar have been redesigned. Toggle with Option+Command+J
- The photo picker now shows a checkmark next to photos that you’ve already added to an entry in the past making it easier to see what moments from the past you still need to add to your journal.
- Fixed an issue that was causing dictation to repeat entry content
- Clicking into longer entries will no longer inadvertently highlight the entry text
- Inserting attachments will now insert below the cursor
- These bugs aren’t going to squash themselves, so we performed our usual round of extermination. We also cleaned up the UI a bit.
5.2 (September 2, 2020)
- The media picker we introduced in 5.1 is now available at the entry level. Simply create a new entry and click on the new photo picker button on the bottom right to see all of the photos available for that day. This one may seem simple but we’ve got a feeling it’ll make a huge difference for those who use it. This is available when there are photos taken on the day set for the entry.
- Added Sign in with Apple controls to the preferences page to easily connect/disconnect your Apple Credentials from your account.
- Photos and photo groups now have rounded corners and are inline with the margin of the editor. Fancy and beautiful.
- Fixed an issue where creating entries from calendar events was excluding the event notes, url and location.
- These bugs aren’t going to squash themselves, so we performed our usual round of extermination. We also cleaned up the UI a bit.
5.1 (August 20, 2020)
We recently released Day One 5.0 on iOS, but the Mac version wasn’t quite ready and stayed at 4.16. With Version 5.1 for Mac, parity has been restored and Named Places and Today are now available across both platforms.
- Today for Mac is here! Today aggregates five journal elements into one place: your location data, calendar events, photos taken, the day’s entries, and On This Day entries. Today provides an overview of where you’ve been and what you’ve done, allowing you to journal what matters most in an intuitive and convenient way. Today is also the most seamless way to revisit the past, with quick access to On This Day. You can access Today by clicking a date on the calendar, the date in the Timeline, or by clicking Today in the Journal Side Menu. (MacOS 10.15 Catalina Only)
- Named Places: Have a spot you journal from regularly? Now you can name it and have it automatically applied to past and future entries at or near the same location. Simply select the location at the bottom of an entry and click on “Name this Location”. Like magic, named places will seamlessly sync across all your devices.
- These bugs aren’t going to squash themselves, so we performed our usual round of extermination. We also cleaned up the UI a bit.
4.16.1 (August 9, 2020)
- Minor bug fixes affecting some users with Sign in with Apple.
4.16 (August 6, 2020)
- Sign in with Apple: We’ve made it even easier for you to create your Day One account by adding Sign in with Apple functionality. Existing users who want the simplicity of Sign in with Apple can convert their account over for future authentication.
- App Icon: Nifty new design.
- These bugs aren’t going to squash themselves, so we performed our usual round of extermination. We also cleaned up the UI a bit.
4.15.3 (July 10, 2020)
- Bug fixes
4.15.2 (June 15, 2020)
- Made some small performance improvements to sync
4.15.1 (June 9, 2020)
- Fixed a pesky little bug that was causing the app to crash when force-clicking a word in an entry.
4.15 (June 2, 2020)
- Miss a daily prompt? Now you can right click on today’s prompt to view prompts from the past 10 days.
- These bugs aren’t going to squash themselves, so we performed our usual round of extermination. We also cleaned up the UI a bit.
4.14 (May 21, 2020)
Our palindrome update is officially here. To celebrate, we’ve used some “race car” language throughout the release notes.
- We got under the hood to give sync a tune up, boosting reliability, performance, and speed.
- Dragging and dropping attachments onto the app icon shouldn’t be a drag so we improved the experience.
- These bugs aren’t going to squash themselves, so we performed our usual round of extermination. Specifically, we found and resolved a bug in the touch bar that was causing performance issue. We also cleaned up the UI a bit.
4.13 (May 7, 2020)

- Menu bar entry needing file permissions is fixed.
- Fixed a crash when trying to print or view PDF preview from the file menu.
- Resolved an issue with Persistent Migration when updating from an older version of Day One.
- Various bug fixes and UI updates to keep your journaling experience golden
4.12 (April 22, 2020)
- New PDF Export with additional customization options
- Years in On This Day are now properly localized
- Updated various translations throughout the app
- Fixed the date not updating at the top of the entry
- Fixed a crash when signing out
- Fixed templates not applying assigned tags when using Add Content (paperclip) >Template
- Various bug fixes and UI updates to keep your experience with Day One golden
4.11 (April 8, 2020)
- Allow dragging more file formats for photos, videos and audio files to the App Icon
- Fixed a crash that some users saw when click on On This Day in the side menu
- Various bug fixes and UI updates to keep your experience with Day One golden
4.10.1 (March 23, 2020)
- Improved efficiency in fetching Daily Prompts
4.10 (March 18, 2020)
- Daily Prompts can now be enabled by all languages (Prompts will still be in English)
- Multi-entry view headers now stick to the top when scrolling
- Journal settings now contain option to toggle “Show in On This Day”
- Added new options to copy and open PDF from ellipsis button on PDF Attachment
- Fixed an issue that was causing duplicate entries when creating an entry from the menu bar.
- Various bug fixes and UI updates to keep your experience with Day One golden
4.9 (March 9, 2020)
- Daily Prompts - Find a new journaling prompt each day in the journal summary pane. Disable in Preferences (Visible only to devices set to English)
- New and improved Multi-entry view for On This Day, Calendar and other multiple entry selections
- On This Day - Link added to Journal Side Menu
- Various bug fixes and UI updates to keep your experience with Day One golden
4.8 (February 20, 2020)
- Improved translations of the app in all supported languages
- Dragging a photo to a journal in the side menu now opens the entry in a new window
- Improved the drag and drop experience for photo groups containing videos
- Restore the last used journal when creating an entry from the Safari Extension
- Fixed an issue where some users were seeing entry content from a previously selected entry inside of the current entry
- Fixed an issue where screenshots taken on Mac were not sharing properly to Day One
- Fixed an issue that was preventing some users from pasting text into an entry with a photo
- Various bug fixes and UI updates to keep your experience with Day One golden
4.6 (January 22, 2020)
- Template Editor for Mac found in Preferences
- Drag an image to the app icon now opens the new entry in a new window
- Fixed an issue where dragging an entry into another app was including escape characters
- Command + ] now correctly indents bullets
- Various bug fixes and UI updates to keep your experience with Day One golden
4.5 (January 15, 2020)
- New Safari Extension! Open Safari > Preferences > Extensions to enable Day One
- Updated share limit of all supported attachment types to 10
- Include local pdf name when adding a pdf attachment
- Fixed an issue where attachments were being added when opening entry directly from share extension
- Fixed an issue where removing location from an entry wasn’t properly saving
- Various bug fixes and UI updates to keep your experience with Day One golden
4.4 (January 6, 2020)
- Processing videos attached to entries is much faster
- Allow attaching other types of audio files (WAV, mp3, FLAC)
- Fixed an issue where pasting text into Day One from Microsoft Word would insert the text as a PDF.
- Various bug fixes and UI updates to keep your experience with Day One golden
4.3.1 (December 2, 2019)
- Fixed a bug that was preventing some users from purchasing premium properly
- Fixed a scrolling issue when typing a long entry
4.3 (November 21, 2019)
- PDF Support: Add PDF Attachments through the content menu, drag and drop or the Share Extension
- Templates: Use templates created on iOS in the Mac Editor and connect templates to reminders (Template editing/managing coming soon to Mac)
- Added advanced sync preferences to disable sync and remove encryption key
- More detailed sync status
- Visual glitches when editing entries
- Highlighting text keeps focus on the editor
- Embedded YouTube videos now display correctly
- Improved reliability of Day One Classic import
- Other improvements for speed and reliability
4.2.3 (October 28, 2019)
- Fixed an issue that could cause some attachments to fail to upload or download correctly.
4.2.2 (October 17, 2019)
- Auto enable Sync when upgraded to Premium
- Auto create Day One account using Apple ID if no account exists
- Fixed various issues when running on macOS Catalina
4.2 (September 25, 2019)
- End-to-end encryption is now enabled for every user - Key securely stored and synced using iCloud
- Catalina compatibility updates
- Click on Entry Date header to open Date Editor menu
- Thumbnail being delayed when adding video
- Menu Bar shortcut in full screen opens in proper position
4.1.1 (August 16, 2019)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
4.1 (August 8, 2019)
- Added “Open” button to Menu Bar and Share Extension, which now opens to a small pop-out entry window
- Code Block toggle no longer removes blank line above or code block
- Adding photos via menu will append to bottom photo group
- Performance improvements
4.0 (July 22, 2019)
Now with Video!
What's New:
- Video (Up to 3 Minutes each, add from the Photo Library Share Extension or the in-app media picker, Premium only)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
3.2 (June 25, 2019)
- Editor performance improvements
- General performance improvements and bug fixes
3.1.2 (June 5, 2019)
- Performance improvements and bug fixes
3.1.1 (May 31, 2019)
- Fixed a crash related to entry editor updates
3.1 (May 23, 2019)
- Editor has removed forced (short) lines around Headers, and embedded content.
- Editing the date by clicking ••• at the top right is functional again.
- Pasting photos into entry is again functioning.
3.0.5 (April 23, 2019)
New Keyboard shortcuts:
- Create Link (from selected text): CMD+K
- Global Search: Command-Shift-F
- Insert Checklist: Command-Shift-T i
- H6 Header Style
- Progress indicator when exporting Plain Text or JSON
- Entries with multiple horizontal line rules were only displaying one line
- Photos weren’t displayed in correct order when dragging in from Photos
- The selected entry would change to the next entry after re-opening the app
- Entry titles weren’t displaying the correct text in the tab bar
- The next month wasn’t being displayed if there were no entries in it. The next month from the current month will now always be displayed in the calendar tab.
- A confirmation wasn’t shown when deleting audio recordings
- Photos weren’t being included in Plain Text exports
- Service Menu label updated to “Add to Day One”
- Removed flashing when full res media loads in
- Thumbnails are shown in quicklook when full res media isn’t loaded
3.0.3 (March 25, 2019)
- Context outlines are shown when right-clicking journals or entries
- Double-click on journal in sidebar to open journal editor
- Drag to rearrange journals in sidebar
- Show Word Count toggle in Preferences > Appearance (to display in entry footer)
- Location contextual menu has been updated
- Many new and updated translations
- Loading progress indicator for full-resolution media, and audio embeds
- Performance issue where media and entries were slow to load in the timelines
- Only one photo was pasted in when copying a web page into Day One
- 24-hour time wasn't always displayed if selected in System Preferences
- Street address and state were highlighted separately when hovered over
- Button for removing Activity has been added
- Right-clicking on photo > 'Update Entry to use Photo Information' was setting the incorrect timezone to the entry
- Selected text toolbar was flashing each time more letters/text was selected
- Saved place names weren't being shown in the entry metadata
- Quote blocks are easier to see in Dark Mode
- A delete confirmation will appear when clicking the X in the Menu Bar Quick Entry
- Some YouTube embeds weren't displaying correctly
- Some audio embeds appeared duplicated
- Improved Code Block and Code Span display
- Improved scrolling performance in media timeline
3.0.1 (February 26, 2019)
Quick follow-up to the major v3 update.
• Journal Descriptions. Add an optional summary to a journal to be displayed on the Journal summary page. (Coming soon to the iOS Timeline)
• Entry count popup shown when hovering the Day View button on Timeline
• Plus users no longer see Premium Upgrade link in journal sidebar
• Drag & Drop photos inside an entry to re-arrange, or group/un-group
• Menu Bar CMD+Enter to Save & Dismiss the entry
• Text remains selected after applying formatting
• Editing date now updates the Entry header date
• Prompt for Premium no longer appearing on launch (for any users including Basic)
Thank you for all the positive feedback! Contact us directly for issues or complaints:

Follow us on Instagram for motivational journaling inspirations and helpful tips on how to use Day One:
3.0 (February 23, 2019)
Day One version 3.0 has been re-designed for speed, performance, and long-term maintainability. Please see our blog post here.
- New: Single-entry window
- New: Editor selection and text formatting menus
2.9.2 (November 14, 2018)
- Change font size with CMD+/CMD-.
- Rich formatting is used when copying text from Day One.
Editor Updates:
- Lists no longer enforce blank lines above and below.
- List bullet alignment improved to support proper spacing at all font sizes.
- Improved plain text exporting.
- Paste into Day One entry will preserve formatting.
- Export Entry to email and other applications preserves rich text formatting and photos.
- Incorrect character and word counts when formatting is applied.
- Jumping text when typing below a code block.
- Incorrect bullet spacing depending on the font size.
- Scroll bar colors in Dark Mode.
- Word Count accuracy.
- Entry URL links weren't updating after moving entries between journals.
- Opening a locked journal from Menu Bar will properly focus window.
2.9.1 (October 8, 2018)
- Fixed login screen for Mojave dark mode
- Fixed crash when trying to enter an encryption key on Mojave
- Editor improvements
- Dark Mode improvements
- Sync reliability improvements
- Performance improvements
2.9 (September 21, 2018)

- Dark Mode (free for everyone on macOS Mojave)
- List styles resize based on font size
- New Edit Bar icons
- Optimizations for macOS Mojave
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
2.8 (August 25, 2018)
This update is a compatibility release for iOS version 3.0, with support the new editor, grouped photos, and audio playback. It requires macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
Version 3.0 Mac is coming soon with audio recording and much more!
- New Editor with a unified Edit and Read mode for a more intuitive writing and browsing experience.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
2.7.4 (July 3, 2018)
- Encryption key can now be securely saved in iCloud for easier access on other devices
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
2.7 (May 30, 2018)
- Fixed: Window order now preserved when switching back to the app
- Stars are now Favorites indicated with a heart icon
- Improved Journal Sort order syncing
- Preserve “Entry Creation Device” on Export / Import
- Improved sign-in flow using Apple ID
- Performance improvements and various bug fixes
2.6.4 (May 11, 2018)
- Security improvements
2.6.1 (April 11, 2018)
- Removed a database migration error message that appeared for some users who had upgraded to version 2.6, but not yet opened the app.
- Fixed a crash happening to users on macOS 10.11 who had a passcode set.
- Improved sync performance
Note: We recommend upgrading from macOS 10.11 when possible. Day One stability is greatly improved on newer macOS releases.
2.6 (April 3, 2018)
- Touch ID to Unlock Journal
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
2.5.11 (March 2, 2018)
- Selected tags on an entry are now ordered alphabetically.
Fixed in this release:
- Disappearing text when saving an entry in rare cases
- Errors when importing certain MacJournal export files
- Photo count was occasionally incorrect
- Rearranging photos in an entry sometimes incorrectly prompted to upgrade to Premium
- Template text in the Preferences > Reminders screen was upside down for some users
2.5.10 (February 8, 2018)
- A new 'Optimize Mac Storage' option in the Sync preferences tab. This leaves the full-resolution journal photos in the cloud and just stores thumbnails on your Mac. Full-resolution photos are automatically downloaded on-demand.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
2.5.9 (January 26, 2018)
- Performance improvements and bug fixes.
2.5.8 (January 23, 2018)
- Performance improvements
- Fixed a bug where portions of text could be lost when tapping Done. Sorry if you were impacted by this!
2.5.7 (January 8, 2018)
- Fixed problems opening Day One on macOS 10.11
- Improved performance while syncing
2.5.5 (December 19, 2017)
- Major performance and sync improvements!
- Bug fixes
- Premium trial (go to Day One > Preferences > Sync)
2.5.4 (November 13, 2017)
- Fixed a delay in applying Premium subscriptions to your other devices
- Improved handling of pasted content from certain other apps.
2.5 (September 27, 2017)
- Support for macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
2.4.1 (September 15, 2017)
- Sync performance improvements and fixes.
2.4 (August 29, 2017)
- Text immediately following a photo was sometimes not editable
- Weather icons now correctly appear in various places throughout the app
- Users who have not used the app since 2.0.0 no longer experience an error
- Resolved an issue that could cause entries to lose location data when another entry was deleted
- Sync: Fixed frequent uploading/downloading some users were experiencing
2.3.5 (July 17, 2017)
- Disk usage during large sync operations is now greatly reduced
- App no longer shows data being constantly downloaded in rare cases
2.3.4 (July 7, 2017)
- CLI issues with more than 10 photos and negative lat/long values
- Multi-select issue with losing Timeline focus
- Performance improvements
2.3 (June 28, 2017)
- Introducing Day One Premium!
2.2.2 (June 16, 2017)
- Various bug fixes
2.2.1 (June 14, 2017)
- Various fixes and improvements to the end-to-end encryption user interface.
2.2 (June 9, 2017)
- End-to-End Encryption is now available. Go to Day One > Settings > Journals, then select specific journals to encrypt. Learn more:
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements.
2.1.9 (May 3, 2017)
- Asian language typing improvements
- Sync improvements
- Crash when using new photo timeline drag-n-drop functionality in macOS 10.11
2.1.8 (April 24, 2017)
- Drag-and-drop photos functionality for entries and Timeline in read mode.
- .txt, .text, and .md files can be dragged on Day One's Dock icon for importing.
- Calendar View: Tapping Calendar button again auto scrolls back to current date; clicking a date splits the view to display entries; use arrow keys to navigate the calendar.
- CMD-click to select multiple journals.
- Better timezone support.
- Long journal names truncated as needed.
- Faster display of results when searching for locations.
- Overall performance improvements.
- Multi-select view limited to 2 columns.
- Can't right-click on Journal Name.
- Timeline and Photos options in View menu are greyed-out.
- CMD-2 keyboard shortcut doesn’t work if the right pane has focus.
- Rendering problems of text in the Timeline.
- Changing an entry's journal switches the Timeline's selected journal
- Editing location doesn't update entry map until entry is re-opened
- Multi-select grid view: Broken CSS and clicking entries don't open entries
- Menu Bar Agent > 'Open Journal' doesn't open closed window
- Deleting an entry scrolls the Timeline to top
- Sorting options don't work in Calendar view. (They are now greyed out to indicate they are disabled.)
- Clicking checkbox causes entry to scroll to the top.
- Sorting changing to 'Oldest First.'
- Added padding to left pane so last item is scrollable and visible with smaller window sizes.
- Quick entry goes off-screen sometimes.
- Various crashes.
2.1.7 (February 14, 2017)
- Crash when closing a main window on a Touch Bar MacBook Pro
- Crash when exporting a PDF
- Various other crash and bug fixes
2.1.6 (February 8, 2017)
- Inverted text (macOS 10.11 only)
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements
2.1.5 (February 7, 2017)

- Crash on launch (macOS 10.11 only)
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements
2.1.4 (February 6, 2017)
- CMD-Delete clears the search contents in search field.
- Twitter @names link to Twitter accounts.
- Arrow keys not working with the Timeline.
- MacBook Pro w/Touch Bar: Timeline scrolls to bottom the switching journals.
- Copy Entry URL not working in contextual menus.
- JSON Import not importing entries into separate journals.
- Entry not saved when editing entry in a New Window.
- Lato not used in Read mode.
- Editing multiple entries' locations doesn't work.
- CMD-E doesn't work for going into Edit mode.
- CMD-Shift-J doesn't work for moving multiple selected entries.
- Various crashes and other bug fixes
2.1.3 (November 17, 2016)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
2.1.2 (November 14, 2016)
- Touch Bar support for new MacBook Pros.
- Improved Command Line Interface (CLI): Support for multiple photos, multiple journals, and lots more. For details, see:
- Option-Arrow didn't move cursor between paragraphs.
- Markdown footnotes didn't work properly.
- Some images in entries showed CSS code.
- Timeline didn't render line breaks after headers.
2.1.1 (October 3, 2016)
- Placeholder images in Read Mode show CSS Code
- Text insertion point outside of markdown when using CMD-B/CMD-I
- Date picker sometimes disappears when being used
- Slow performance when switching journals
- Sync and localization improvements
2.1 (September 15, 2016)
- Handoff: Continue editing an entry started on other devices. (iOS and Mac)
- Selective Sync: Choose which journals you want on your devices and free up local storage space. (All data is still stored in the cloud for re-download or use on other devices.)
- Interactive Checkboxes (Markdown)
- Additional Syntax Highlighting (Markdown blockquotes and @names)
- Clicking tags in entry view sets tag filter for Timeline
- Journals menu added to menu bar
- Portrait pictures displayed side-by-side
- PDF Export formatting and options
- Location selection and places
- Switched to CommonMark for Markdown rendering
- Various other performance improvements and bug fixes
2.0.9 (July 12, 2016)
- Markdown Syntax highlighting in Edit mode
- Contextual menu items added to Day One Dock icon
- Keyboard shortcuts (Command+J = Journal Picker, Shift+Command+J = Entry Journal Editor, Option+Command+J = Toggle Journal Sidebar)
- Users prompted when changing metadata (tags, etc.) for multiple selected entries
- GIFs preserved using JSON export
- Entries deselected when changing from specific journal to 'All Entries'
- Single/dual pane window improvements
2.0.7 (May 26, 2016)
- Search Filter—See only entries matching your search keywords in the Timeline.
- Search includes tags and places
- 'On This Day' Filter—See all entries written on this day.
- Tags and journals in URL Scheme
- Any/All options in tag filter
- Clicking a tag in an entry enables tag filter in the Timeline
- Templates in Reminders
- Anonymous Pro font (previously only included with iOS)
- PDF Preview crash
- Weather no longer displayed if location is removed
- File menus disabled when app is locked
- Timezone not included with some locations
- Incorrect count displayed in search results for saved places
- Journal Pane not opening
- New tags not appearing in tag menu
- Multiple windows opening on startup
- Preferences window width increased to support localizations
- Contextual menu refinements
- Location editor improvements
- Typing performance improvements
- Various crashes and performance improvements
2.0.6 (April 25, 2016)
- Location Editor—The location editor has been streamlined and now supports Saved Places (favorite locations).
- Multi-select Card View—Selecting multiple entries in Timeline or Map view now displays entries in a grid when using dual pane mode.
- JSON Imports—Day One JSON exports can be imported.
- Places Filter—Entries in the Timeline can be filtered by Saved Places.
- Preferences—Create Tags from Hashtags, Fahrenheit/Celsius, and Show Step Counts options have been added to Preferences.
- Contextual Menu Items—Export, Open With, and Print options are available when control/right-clicking journals.
- More language localizations—Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Finnish, Japanese, and Korean.
- CLI and Auto-Import now works correctly.
- Columns now maintain correct sizing on window close/reopen.
- Clicking a map location node auto-selects entries.
- Line-spacing issue when pasting text in edit mode.
- Step counts now appear correctly in entries and the Timeline.
- CMD + J now works with the journal picker in edit mode.
- Erroneous miles and step counts no longer displayed.
- Crash when importing photos with invalid lat/long coordinates.
- Crash when right-clicking (control-clicking) a highlighted word.
- Journals now export PDFs correctly.
- Copy Entry URL now supports pasting into other apps.
- Accessibility improvements.
- Various performance improvements and bug fixes.
2.0.4 (March 23, 2016)
- Fixed: Various bug fixes and performance improvements.
2.0.3 (March 18, 2016)
- Updated map with new look and better performance
- Added HTML & JSON export options
- Updated plain text export to better support multiple photos
- Updated PDF export formatting
- Improved support for right-to-left languages
- Added 'Lato Light' font option
- Added support for links between entries.
- Added AppleID sign in option for new users
- Added support for embedding Spotify links
- Greatly improved initial photo sync speed
- Navigation bar buttons are no longer hidden on OS X Yosemite. (For real this time!)
- Fixed the app sometimes getting stuck when dragging in images from other apps
- Fixed some issues with incorrect time zones
- Improved accessibility
- Resolved a number of crashes
2.0.1 (February 16, 2016)
- New: RTL support in read and edit views and PDFs. (Proper and complete RTL is coming soon!)
- Fixed: Menu bar quick entry now uses the time that you hit save, not the time that it opened.
- Fixed: Timeline/photos/map/calendar buttons missing for Yosemite users.
- Fixed: Various bug fixes and performance improvements.
2.0 (February 3, 2016)
Day One For Macbook
- All-new user interface
- Multiple Photos per entry (up to ten inline photos)
- Multiple Journals (up to ten journals with unique colors and names)
- Day One Sync 2.0
- Photo View
- Custom Reminders
- Entry Management (select, move, tag, and delete multiple entries at a time)
- Timeline Filters (star, tags, location, year, activity, and music)
- Timezone Support
- Multiple Window support
- Single and Dual Pane Modes
- Redesigned PDF export
- Gesture support
For Day One Classic (version 1) release notes, please see here.
Note: Day One Classic (version 1.x) has not been updated since March 2016. It has been retired. We strongly recommend updating to the current version of Day One. See here.
Backing Up Your Journal
IMPORTANT:Before uninstalling Day One on your Mac, make sure you've backed up your data. Follow these steps
- Find your journal data. (See: Where is the Day One data file stored? in our Support Center.)
- Save your journal data to your Desktop.
If you'd like to save your Day One auto-backups, do the following:
- Read How do I restore from a backup? to find your backup files.
- Select some or all of these files, and save them to your Documents.
- After you've uninstalled and reinstalled Day One, you can move these files back into the Backups folder.
Uninstalling Day One for Mac
- Close both the main app and the menu bar app
- Delete the Day One application (/Applications/Day
- Open Terminal (Applications > Utilities > Terminal)
- Run the following commands in Terminal (copy/paste each one and press enter):
5. Empty your trash
Day One For Mac
Follow the steps above for uninstall and then:
- Restart your computer
- Reinstall Day One from the Mac App Store > Purchased.